Thursday, June 26, 2008

Make New Friends But Keep The Old

I recently joined in Rachael Rabbit's Cupcakes and Tea Swap. On the weekend I received all my swap details which was very exciting because now I have some new blog buddies. I am making my gift for Molly Cupcakes and I am going to get my swap from The World of Twiggypeasticks. So, 1 Cupcakes and Tea Swap to be made and 3 new blog friends. Isn't life grand?

I haven't been blogging all that much lately. I'm feeling quite worn out. Not sure if it's getting into the swing of my new job or the cooler weather, but all I want to do is curl up on the couch with my balls of wool in the evening. So that's exactly what I've been doing. Sometimes it's so hard to remember to give myself permission to relax. There are always so many things that I want to do and I get into this crazy headspace about not being able to do everything. I am learning though. Slowly, ever so slowly.


Anastasia said...

that swap sounds like fun - id join in too but Ive committed to another a little worn out myself, both my boys are sick and I havnt had much sleep!

Karin said...

The swap sounds great. These seem like so much fun. I've GOT to get on the band wagon.

I too have not been blogging this week. Just feeling down I think. I got bitten by a spider (we think) and the bubster has been a handful and well, I just feel worn out. I still haven't posted my This is!!!

I too am going to curl up on the couch and knit.

CurlyPops said...

Isn't it fun playing swapsies with others....I've got a couple to finish off this weekend to post on Monday!

Melanie Gray Augustin said...

Learning to give yourself permission to relax is a hard one, hope you're getting the hang of it.